Thursday, September 26, 2019

They've Changed NaNo's Website

They've gotten rid of some of the stuff I used as a Municipal Liaison before. The Google Calendar link is missing (maybe moved) so plugging in events may get trickier.

I am going to need to take time figuring this out, thank God I got a month before November starts.

Get your novel prepped, people!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Getting Prepped for NaNoWriMo 2019

I had skipped on doing the Municipal Liaison thing last year because of staffing issues at the library where I work, but this year I had to take it on because the lady who had taken over duties has moved away from the Lakeland region.

I do plan on finding times and places to have Write-Ins to host, and maybe this year I'll find the motivation to finish a work instead of letting the writer's block demon get the better of me.

Keep an eye out for further details!