ow, stop hitting me! Just go visit http://www.campnanowrimo.org and find out what I'm shilling!
Actually, I'm going to be using this upcoming July Camp NaNo to re-start that Ocean Dancers plot idea I had two years ago and take it into a different direction. I like the idea, and I wanna mess with it, but I've looked at how I've painted myself into a corner (again) on the first run and I'm thinking I need to try an alternate path.
So, now. It's going to be How to Invade Earth And Get Away With It.
this won't be the final cover, this is just a placeholder/ motivator to get er done. |
I worry the book title's already been done, although WorldCat is telling me I'm in the clear on this.
If anyone in Central Florida area wants in on the Camp NaNo Cabin I'm in, leave a comment here or contact me at the CampNaNo site (under the name of "Witty").